Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Viral Advertising

The internet has made it easier to pass on files and links. Hence any such viral advertising can become viral. This means online advertisements can be contagious. Even the passing on of traditional advertisement such as TV, print or radio is contagious to some extent.

Viral advertising gives free advertising for the brand.

A viral hit can encourage large coverage, exposure and goodwill. Standard online ads only engage consumers when they visit a web site. However viral advertisement is not restricted by a website, and have the potential to reach millions across the globe.

The term "viral advertising" refers to the idea that people will pass on and share interesting and entertaining content; this is often sponsored by a brand, which is looking to build awareness of a product or service. These viral commercials often take the form of funny video clips, or interactive Flash games, an advergame, images, and even text.

Viral advertisement is popular because of the ease of executing the marketing campaign, relative low-cost, good targeting, and the high and rapid response rate. The main strength of viral marketing is its ability to obtain a large number of interested people at a low cost. 
The hardest task for any company is to acquire and retain a large customer base. Viral advertising is a technique that avoids the annoyance of spam mail; it encourages users of a specific product or service to tell a friend. This would be a positive word-of-mouth recommendation.

“Word of mouth” application is included, but it’s is not limited to it.

  • Internet search engines
  • Blogs
  • Social media websites
  • Television & radio
  • Multiple forms of print and direct marketing
  • Customer participation & polling services
  • Outbound/inbound call center services
  • Mobile smartphone integration

Still Viral advertising is still a concept for many. The advertisement requires it to be good enough that it produce a mass amount of recommendations.

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